Wednesday, August 12, 2009

President Isaias's biography

Self elected president Isaias Afewerki is the current most notorious dictator leading a country called Eritrea.Isaias Afewerki is some one who has put lives of thousands of Eritreans to death,torture,migration and poverty.Although it's not verified,i suspect him of being Hitler and Sadam Hussiens' brother.They all don't shave their mustache!
If attending Isaias's regime's annual festival held all over the western countries is considered as support,then i can safely say that over 99% of the Eritrean people have strong support for Isaias and his regime.When watching the regime's festival videos i fear that i might be the only one who hate Isaias.
Almost nothing is known about his background.He never spoke about that.Many people(including my father) relate that his mother is a tigrean(a woman from tigray-Ethiopia) who used to sale suwa(a traditional beer) in Asmara.As most suwa businesswomen undergo prostitution side by side to their suwa business,its obvious that his mother must had been f***ed by many clients of whom Isaias's anonymous father to be one of them.According to my friend Isaias's father is not Ato Afewerki,but his father is another Muslim man who was Isaias's mother's client.I know that he had a crazy brother any way.
It's not known also if Isaias has ever gone to school or not.His fans tell that he quit his study while he was a sophomore university student and joined the revolution.I came across no reliable source who confirms that Isaias was his/her college boy.He don't want his people to learn.He did what ever he can ,from closing the only university to dragging students to a military camp to continue their study, to prevent people from learning.He believes that his experience in the struggle thought him lessons Isaac Newton didn't know.
Having no oppositions makes president Isaias Afewerki the luckiest president on earth.No body has got a gut to oppose Isaias so far.He feels no fear dancing and drinking all night in warsa and shamrouk night clubs....he is even spotted many times walking alone in streets with out any guard.No body can face him!Not even Obama!The reason Obama never paid attention on President Isaias as what he does on other dictators is that the USA sees no interest in Eritrea....we have no petroleum men!This reason makes dictators in God forsaken countries survive for very long period.
Regarding his position on terrorism,Isaias is suspected to be the only member of Alqaeda with christian name,his religion is not known though.This is the biography of the dictator Wikipedia should post.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha...... all that was said here sounds real and true to me!!! Good Jobs on posting this to all the ones who don't know who the real Isayas Afewerki is. Not what the Media says about him!
